Is Stuffing Envelope A Real Job? Learn About The Ins And Outs!
Bringing home the groceries isn’t as affordable as it used to be. With expenses scaling up every minute, looking for ways to bag in some extra cash is definitely a great idea. Do you agree? Well, I was certainly in the hot waters and extra income was a need of the hour. On exploring my options, trying hands-on envelope stuffing jobs seemed both easy and lucrative.
Guess what? I sure did make the right pick.
It is okay if you are not quite schooled about how envelope stuffing jobs work or pay. I am here to spill the beans and give you a detailed insight about the same.
The Tea:
Before you assume that envelope stuffing is all hunky-dory, you might want to get your facts right. Unfortunately, scams plague the job market. Do not fall for ads that promise turnovers and money that is too good to be true. Here are a few red flags you might want to look deep into:
— If a company asks you to invest in order to get hands-on a starter kit, please reconsider
— The earnings promised can make you a millionaire in the next couple of years. Please remember, the job is no monkey business and is definitely not a get-rich-quick-scheme
— Do not give out your bank account details or credit card information just for the heck of it.
The pointers mentioned are pretty much enough. However, you must keep your eyes and senses wide open to realize what’s legitimate and what’s a flimflam.
Envelope stuffing job — What Is It?
Is work from home your cup of tea? If yes, then envelope stuffing is rightly your best bet. You don’t need to master extraordinary skills or be a nerdy grad to make it big. What you do need though, is the ability to work hard. Call it a mantra or the only criteria you need to have. If you can toil hard, envelope stuffing will be a piece of cake.
Let’s answer the Q now — what is envelope stuffing all about? Not much really! Your job involves preparing mailings for a bunch of employers. It is the job summary in a nutshell.
The company you have registered with, hands out a bunch of papers and documents. As the skilled person on the job, you will need to carefully curate the documents, fold them neatly, place it in an envelope and dispatch the mailings in an order.
Certainly sounds like a cakewalk, right? Well, sending out mailings is not always your only designated task. Sometimes, a company can amp up your responsibilities too. Wondering what extra job you might have to wrap up? Things like figuring out the ideal postage stamp for a particular envelope for instance. Or addressing recipients of the mailings individually and a few other tasks. Getting hands-on pre-stamped envelopes is work made easy. You might have to drop by a post office to dispatch the mailings in person. Now you know why I call it hard work.
I am sure you have heard of mailroom clerks. Your job as an envelope stuffer is pretty much similar with one major difference. There is zero need of showing up at a regular nine-to-five job. Instead, you can sit back and do the chores in the comfort of your home. The biggest perk though, you can earn just as much or even more, depending on how much work you can handle.
Let’s do some in-depth digging!
How do you kick-start the mailing job?
Okay, now you know the works involved in envelope stuffing. Aren’t you curious to learn how to do it all with a flying start? For example, where to source the needed materials or postage stamps, who to prepare the envelopes for, and so on so forth. I am sure there are a thousand questions popping up in your brains right now.
The best answer — stop stressing over it.
Once you are registered with a legitimate company, things will run in its course. Each and every material needed will either be sent to you in the post or will be handed to you in person. Your employer will always be in touch with you. If you need any help or have confusion you are struggling with, your employer is right at your beck and call.
Word of Caution:
Okay, understanding the chores and the steps in an orderly could make you a little anxious. But, don’t worry! Once you get a hang of it, stuffing envelopes will be a picnic. I have been there, so you can count on me.
An employer communicates every little detail about the product, relevant to your role. What mailings will you be preparing? Will it be brochures, catalogs, sales letters, questionnaires, and others. You will be schooled to the T. A list of recipients will be sent over. All you need to do is sift out the documents for each mailing and dispatch them without an error. The envelopes provided is usually pre-stamped. If not, you will be informed about the relevant postage stamps and what should be glued on which envelope. Sounds easy-peasy? Once the mailings are dispatched, it is officially a wrap.
Who pays and when?
“Mail out and earn a whopping $2000 every week. Believe it or not but you will be a zillionaire sooner than you think.”
Hey, are you dumbstruck already? IT IS TRUE! Actually, it is too good to be true. A fool’s play to be brutally honest. If racking up a couple of grands every week is as simple as this, why on earth should people invest a mammoth amount of time and money to get schooling done and achieve the best of education. It is a scam amigo!
Let’s speak the real deal here. I am in the circles for long now. Therefore, I will reveal a few figures, based on what I managed to earn by stuffing envelopes and mailing them out.
The Real Number:
I started off with a jolt of energy and did a cracking job of preparing thousands of mailings each week. Of course my finances were in a pickle and I had to figure out a way to cash in a few extra bucks. In reality, I was hoping for a big number.
Then there was the payday. As excited as I was, all I earned was $220 for the week. Wondering how many envelopes I had stuffed? What if I said, around 4000. I don’t know about you but it was a real bummer for me. However, I still kept my work rolling. Why? Well, every extra penny was worth a lot to me. The numbers increased with time. Now, I earn a decent $2 for every envelope I mail out.
In short:
The real figures vary. Some companies stick to lesser payout, like a few cents, while others pay $1-$2 for every envelope. You can vouch on the numbers mentioned. However, it is always worthy to do some groundwork and research before you start making pies in the skies.
Can you spot a genuine company to work for?
Now, this is a hard nut to crack. The internet and all the market places you can possibly imagine are flooded with fraudsters. Spotting companies that offer genuine envelope stuffing jobs is like squeezing water from a stone.
Search online and you will be bombarded with n number of companies, waiting to bless you with crazy money-making ponzi stuffing jobs. Cut to the chase and try and narrow down your search. Here’s a few to-do’s you must follow:
1. Big money can be tricky — Stay hands and legs afar from companies that promise you riches
2. Turn down pre-paid fee — A big ‘NO’ to companies that ask for an upfront registration fee. It could be the teeniest amount or a few dollars. The point is, no upfront fee should be entertained
3. Research like you stalk your date — Go through the company website with a fine-tooth comb. Check for reviews. Most importantly, try and get hands-on an official phone number
4. Call-call, and call — Call the given number and speak as much as you can. Keep a questionnaire handy. Write down your doubts and ask them everything you need to know
5. No number to ring is a catch in hell — If there’s no phone number available, it is a clear red flag. So, please strike it off your search.
What is the buzz about envelope stuffing being a scam job?
Money is a great bait, don’t you agree? Sure you do! Why would you be reading about envelope stuffing otherwise? Envelope stuffing to transform you from rags to riches is certainly an enticing line to pick up on. Unfortunately, it is like building castles in the air. A dream that could turn you broke. There’s no short cut to make ends meet. Only hard work pays.
In my defense, I will obviously like you to keep tabs on what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) suggests. There’s a lot that warns about staying clear from such work-from-home scams.
How to sneak out when you are already in a jam?
Trapped in the scam and looking for a way out? Although I won’t guarantee settlement, here are a few things you can try to do:
— Get in touch with the company over and over again, seeking for refunds
— If an endless request for refunds have been in vain, resort to legal alternatives
— Make sure the company is well-aware of your activities. Particularly, when you are planning to take the legal route
— Report issues and scams to FTC. Reach out and register a complain, seeking a thorough investigation
— Trying to communicate with the inspection services of the local US Post Office is a good option. Plenty of scams are operated via P.O. Boxes. It is only a matter of time that the inspection committee can track down fraudulent practices.
My Final Verdict:
Filtering out a credible, legitimate company to pay for prepping mailings is a hard-won job. Don’t take the plunge before calculating the risks. If you hone skills, try alternatives like blogging, affiliate marketing, or other fields that can take you places. Trying to water down the soup should be your last resort.